Hens eating croissants for breakfast, flowers in fancy vases, a partridge ‘up’ a pear tree and the subject she’s become most notable for, her menagerie of animals seated at the dinner table – wonderfully naive paintings bursting with colour and English eccentricity. Vanessa Cooper paints what she loves most, and what she loves most is family life, her four legged friends, whatever they may be, trees full of blossom, the changing seasons, and much, much more, every one painted with a delightful humour and love of life that is immensely appealing. She paints mainly in oils, sometimes on an impressive scale, but also works in a variety of other mediums including gouache (opaque watercolour). She also models sculpture.
Vanessa has been painting since her early teens. She was born and grew up in Hampshire and studied at Portsmouth University. She began exhibiting in 1987 and has built a reputation as a bold imaginative artist with a deep love of colour. She now resides in Dorset with her family and many animals.
This exciting new exhibition, the fourth with the gallery, plays on those recurring themes and I am sure will be a delight to her many followers here and overseas.
To view the full exhibition please click here