“Every time I look at a picture by Robbie Wraith, I am astonished at his ability to portray ordinary, inanimate subjects with such consummate skill – a slice of cake, a bunch of keys, wrapped chocolates in a silver bowl, objects few artists would ever consider painting. Under Wraith’s brush these gem-like pictures come alive, but this is small fry. Wraith is a master of the portrait, and it is as a portraitist he is best known and sought after. His list of sitters includes many famous dignitaries. He has painted Her Majesty the Queen and other members of the Royal family, and in 1997, as travelling artist, he accompanied HRH Prince of Wales on his official visit to South Africa.
He is a master of all mediums – watercolour, pastel, charcoal, pencil and oil. Unlike many ‘realist painters’ his pictures are rich with great depth creating a rare beauty and he often chooses subjects that are challenging, subjects that would daunt most artists. ‘Burlesque’ is a painting that appears to be unfinished but yet these four figures on one canvas are mesmerising; it needs no further work. It is a powerful piece that stands alone.” Brian Sinfield
Robbie Wraith left school at 16 and studied in Italy and England with Pietro Annigoni, at his invitation. This close association lasted until Annigoni’s death, including working as his assistant during Annigoni’s cycle of frescoes in Ponte Buggianese. He consciously avoided all art schools and ateliers.
The gallery has represented Robbie for thirty years and we are deliighted to be holding another solo exhibition.
Painting illustrated: Burlesque | oil on canvas | 101 x 153 cm
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